Summer Books

Author’s Note:  I recently read the Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver and I this book I learned that some things happen that surprise you, but you’ll always get something out of it.  In the piece I will pay attention to details such as the length of a sentence, and semantic devices such as metaphors, synecdoche, and similes. I will also incorporate a free verse poem replacing the body paragraphs.  Another inspiration was a quote that read, “Everyone wants happiness and no one wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without any rain.”

She walked down the streets empty handed and returned with something, a chance – a chance to change her ways, a chance to live a different life, a chance to start again.  Times like these don’t fall from the sky, unless you’re wishing for rain in an endless drought.  Some will devote their hand to this change others will dismiss the chance.  Life is a calendar; most things a written out for you and others happen along the way.  

An obstacle handed to you,
Responses of screams or hiding,
A simple regret that you knew,
Shattering hearts prolong crying.

Hoping for a chance to return,
To a place that was in the past,
If you rewound, would you then learn?
Offers like these will never last.

A gift can give or devastate,
The flowers won’t grow without rain,
And love will come out of the hate,
So life is worth all of the pain.

Some may feel as if their lives are worse that everyone else’s at one point.  Although the fact is that every bump in the road can only make you stronger, and every bit of agony and sorrow you have witnessed will make you grow as a human being.  The girl took a look at that chance again and this time she seized it – no matter what the cost was.  After all, you can’t lose what you don’t have.

A Choice
Author's Note: Over the summer, I finished reading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. Using the modes of literature and symbolism, I figured out that this trilogy is and irony.  Behind the irony I found the meaning of the novel and decided to take Katniss's struggles and write about them.  In this piece I will use great detail, repetitive initial patterns, similes, and relation to the text.

Decisions that we make can change us, change the world, and change out fate.  Every choice matters.  After all, the journey of a million miles begins with one step.  Possibilities of what is right and what is best float through out heads.  Some may think that their is never a wrong path.  Some may believe in their first instincts.  Some may not be able to choose any of these ways with the chances of terror hanging above them.

The selfish ones think of themselves as they watch the souls that trusted them die.  Their choice was like an arrow to an innocent dove, terrifying.  A life for a life -- it's a choice that only one can gain from.  Shattered spirits moan in agony becasue theri worlds were demolished in the hands of another.

On the other side true leaders will give themselves to save their citizens.  They are like their people; they can fight, can be fought for, and can be destroyed.  Although, a  leader is not determined on how greatly he or she fights, it is how great the outcome is.

Choices that you make matter the most, because they will change you.  From there the chain reaction continues.  One decision, one movement from the heart, just one can heal or hurt you.  Their are always many choices, but the wisest ones come from your heart.

Every hero, villain, leader, and citizen fight in the war of change.  With a choice, you can change yourself, heal the broken, or destroy the pure.  Great heros like Katniss know what is right.  Along with that, they know that the best choice isn't always the easiest, and with great victory comes great sacrifice.

D.S. Al Coda
Author’s Note: I recently read the Last Song by Nicholas Sparks; it made me realize that life has a way of repeating itself.  Sometimes when nothing else helps music does.  That is what this piece is going to be about; in this piece, I will pay attention to variation of sentence lengths, personification, and litotes.

Ronnie and Will, two names -- what does that mean to you?  To me it's two people that fell happily in love because they knew that life would somehow bring them back together.  Their greatest things will find their way home.  Back into their owner's arms safe and love -- that's where they belong.  Sometimes you have to choose between what's right and what's best, and most of the time those are the hardest choices.  Ronnie choose between the one she loved and her father.  Music is what brought everything together for her.

As someone very wise once said, "Music is the painkiller without side effects."  It really is.  Music can heal ever shard of sorrow that you feel inside.  Music is meant to to let out emotion, whether it's happiness or anger.  Music is something that you can find where ever you go, because there is a song for everything.  Why wouldn't their be? Just think, if we sang the "ABC"s every single time we felt agitated, joyful, or melancholy wouldn't it be awful to have nothing  to relate to in the song? 

Music isn't one of a kind and that is what makes it special.  The world is full of music and a majority of the people around you love it too.  It's a connection that you don't need to be smart, or beautiful, or popular to have; it's open to all.  It's nonexclusive, it's unique.  There are so many people in the world with a passion for music.  Just look at your iPod; every artist on you playlist has a connection with you, just a few million. 

Connecting to others with the same passion is incredible, and so is finding yourself through music.  Sometimes you lose yourself and fall apart, but even if you feel incredibly lost you can find yourself in the music.  When you listen your favorite song, it's not because of the artist.  You like the song because you can relate, or if it's just fits with your personality.  Some days you'll get lost in the music and other days you find yourself in it.

Music is a painkiller, a connection, and a pick-me-up; in other words, it's a resolution.  A resolution to the struggle that Ronnie was going through, and a resolution to the trouble that people go through every day.  There are days where all you can handle is music.  Some say time heals all wounds, but I say that music does.


  1. Unexpected-
    I think your writing is phenomenal and you definitely accomplished your goals. Great job!

  2. A Choice-
    I really loved your conclusion.

  3. D.S. Al Coda-
    First off, I LOVE your title. Very fitting! Your connections are fantastic. I just wanted to let you know it's very hard to come up with something negative when I read your writing. There were like two spelling errors but that's all! Amazing!

  4. About these pieces: I am really able to see a great deal of growth here. You start with relatively simplistic pieces, and more and more grow to become more creative in the way that you write. I would say critically that the one piece "A Choice", there are some silly errors which you need to be careful to clear up before posting. One of the good things about a blog of course, is that you can go back and clean it up. Meanwhile, the level of awareness and use of terminology is impressive. Let's sit and look at some of the next level goals you should address to continue pushing yourself.
