Field Trips

Starry Sky

Author's Note: I went to the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art for the first time a couple weeks ago, and there weren't many exhibit when we went.  There was a light exhibit, though, and I loved it.  In this piece, I used vocabulary words that I didn't normally use and climatic patterns.  This piece is just showing my experience at the museum.

A room full of colors and flashing lights is where we are.  Unique murals and constructions are around every single corner, just waiting to attract the attention of a visitor.  Every piece had something new to look forward to.  A sunset sits upon the wall, for a while; after a moment or two, the scene changes and the ruby reds fade to brilliant blues.  Staring and observing each and every work of art for at least five minutes, I decide to look for something different.  One of the museum's workers points us towards the door.  It's hidden between two walls.  How could I miss it?  Entering the room, I see nothing, and in that moment, there is nothing.  I walk in a little further and bump in to something; moving my hands in front of me, I can feel a bed.  Laying on the bed I see that lights are blinking above me in the darkness.  First, I look for a constellation, a figure, then, they start moving, and now, I'm really lost.  They depict shooting stars chasing each other in the nights sky.  I could stay here for hours and that's what it feels like under the mesmerizing light.  Checking my watch, I realize that we have only been there for thirty minutes.  In that time, every second raised excitement, brought pleasure, and produced relaxation.  It was a beautiful, starry sky.

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